1-1/2 hr: $120, 1-hr: $90, 2-hr: $160
Pain and Problems
The initial session involves taking a 'body history' and sometimes doing a postural assessment. This gives me an idea as to where to treat problems, because the cause of your issues may not be where it hurts. It's better to find the source than to 'pat the boo-boo'. I do a lot of soft tissue clearing-such as trigger point work and whatever else I find in your tissues. When the tissues have the 'gunk' cleared out of them, they can be treated much easier, as well as holding a chiropractic adjustment better too. This is more of a bodywork/massage session than a general relaxation (altho you should come out feeling quite relaxed and looser!) This also helps your body to heal itself. Most work done is usually Neuromuscular Therapy based, and often combined with Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial work, Craniosacral, and Reiki.
*1-1/2 hour session, or 2-hr. Area specific work is done slowly, as tissues cannot be hurried to release.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle whole body treatment that relaxes the nervous system and aids the body's immune system. It is recommended for those prone to and recovering from colds, infections, on-going tiredness, excess fluids, low immunity, swollen nodes, bloating, fluid retention, post-op swelling, and for the physically inactive. It is also quite relaxing. The Lymphatic system is our front line of defense in fighting bodily infections, detoxifying the body and transporting metabolic wastes, excess water, bacteria and toxins out of the body. This may also be incorporated into sessions treating pain, or for relaxation.
*This is usually a 1-1/2 hr session, or could be just an hour.
Chair Massage
Are your shoulders up around your ears but you don't have time for a full body massage? A quick chair massage can help tremendously and make the rest of your day much more pleasant and less tense. Try being kind to yourself. Chair massage is relaxing and stimulating. Your mood should improve too! Arrangements may be made at offices in or near Carrollton or Addison. Available to do event or on-site chair massage.
* $1.50/minute * Add $30 for travel time & set up/take down fee.
Ear Candling
This is a natural healing technique that assists in the removal of ear wax. May help to relieve pain or pressure felt in the ear, and aide in drying out fluids. May improve sinus problems, allergies, Swimmer's ear, ear aches, dull headaches, and difficulties in hearing. It is a painless procedure that also may aide in removing impurities built up associated with problematic wax accumulation. Ear candling cones are used, and you just lie still on your side while I deal with the cone.
*1 session is about 45 minutes to an hr for $60 -or- get a 1-1/2 hr session & have bodywork done after the ear candling.
This is a healing, soothing energy technique that I frequently incorporate in with a massage/bodywork session, but do not do just a Reiki session. It helps with relaxation and uses 'God's energy' to potentiate or improve whatever I am doing for you. See my Client Education page for more information about Reiki.
Here are some massage packages you can buy to help you save a little money & feel better too!
Buy 2 massages for $210, reg. $240
Buy 3 massages for $305, reg. $360
Buy 4 massages for $420, reg. $480
Buy 5 massages for $525, reg. $600

- are available as a thoughtful gift,
or for your hard-to-shop-for people -
Are you having an office party, meeting,
employee or client appreciation day,
party, shower, or other event coming up?
Consider providing chair massage to help relax &
get people's shoulders down from around their ears. Pleasant & relaxing for all!
Call me about rates for your special event.
I can also help with Charity Events & Causes.
I would charge the regular chair massage rate ($1.50/min.) & donate all money made to the cause.
This offers another means for obtaining donations, as well as providing relaxation for the attendees.
Do not call me 9pm-9am!
Muscle & Tissue Care by Lucy
Please text me for an appt.